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Data Analytics in Pharma: Addressing Key Challenges


The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing significant transformations, driven by technological advancements, and changing external dynamics. As governments around the world are looking to reform health systems, data analytics is playing an increasingly critical role in shaping business strategies, improving operational efficiency, and driving innovation. However, several challenges persist, hindering the realisation of the full potential of data analytics.

Diverse Data Sets

Pharmaceutical manufacturers deal with a wide variety of data sources, including clinical trials, real-world evidence, supply chain data, and patient data. These diverse data sets often reside in silos, making it challenging to integrate and analyse them comprehensively.

Impact: Incomplete insights, missed opportunities, and suboptimal decision-making.

Solution: xGenBI provides an end-to-end data management platform that seamlessly accommodates structured and unstructured data from various sources. It supports data sync, ensuring data consistency and accessibility across diverse data sets.

Benefit: By unifying data sources, xGenBI enables comprehensive analytics and decision-making.

Inconsistent Data Between Systems

Different departments within a pharmaceutical company use disparate systems (e.g., R&D, manufacturing, sales, and marketing). Inconsistent data formats, definitions, and quality can lead to inaccuracies and inefficiencies.

Impact: Errors in reporting, delays in decision-making, and compromised data integrity.

Solution: xGenBI’s drag-and-drop data modelling interface allows users to create data models and transformations easily. It offers ready-to-use models for leading ERPs ensuring consistent data representation.

Benefit: Consistent data models reduce errors and improve data quality.

Lack of Data Standards

Without standardised data formats, it becomes challenging to compare and analyse information consistently. Lack of common data standards also affects regulatory compliance.

Impact: Increased risk of errors, compliance violations, and missed business opportunities.

Solution: xGenBI enforces standardised formats, definitions, and governance. It ensures data quality by adhering to best practices and predefined business packs.

Benefit: Improved data quality and compliance with industry standards.

Integration Challenges

Integrating data from production processes, batch management, and shipping information is complex. These data streams come from different systems (e.g., manufacturing plants, logistics providers) and require alignment for a holistic view.

Impact: Inefficiencies in supply chain management, delays in product release, and potential revenue loss.

Solution: xGen’s data pipeline and orchestration module manages data movement across the platform. It supports multiple scheduling options, including full and incremental loads, ELT approaches, and API/SaaS extractions.

Benefit: Streamlined data movement and integration, leading to better supply chain management and overall efficiency.

Additional Benefits

With xGenBI, you are Analytics Ready instantly. xGenBI includes an in-built visualisation tool and supports integration with external tools like Power BI, Tableau, or Qlik. It provides graphical data analysis using dashboards and charts. 

xGenBI is cloud-agnostic, supporting major cloud hyperscalers and on-premise deployments. It aligns with your cloud strategy, avoiding technical debt in cloud development.

Talk to us today and ask for a demo!!

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